From the town proper of Lake Sebu, it will only take you about 20 mins to be in the Seven Falls. As you climb your way to the place you can take a snap shot of the 2nd waterfalls from the top. You can also observe and take pictures of the wild monkeys along the road. Before you can enter the 1st falls, you have to pay 20 Php as entrance fee. But the amount of entrance fee is nothing compared with what you are about to experience inside. You can actually go directly to the 2nd falls via different road aside from the main entrance but it's very hard to ignore the 1st amazing falls. Hikong Alu or the passage is the largest of the seven. Water from a river on top artfully fall from a 35 ft height making trembling sound as it hits the bottom.
This is the 1st waterfalls taken from a small bridge on the river where it flows. So beautiful that you can't be contended on just a glance. Very artistic walls behind the falls are also amazing. It's like raining all the time near the falls because of the water particles spread to the air created by the impact of falling water.
Truly, the 2nd falls deserves its name. This waterfalls has an immeasurable beauty, appeal, and depth. This falls is a mysterious one. It's like a home for the creatures of different world (hehehe as seen from movies). A place where you can see a goddess of the forest. Water falling from the top ( 70 ft high) creates a roaring sound louder than the 1st falls. And its impact creates a fog around it's base that adds mystery to this falls. More artistic walls and soil formations are very distinct around the falls. You can reach the base by 3 different ways. First is to simply ride a motorcycle for hire going down. Second is going through a tiring 774 steps stiff stairs passing through the woods. If you don't do any exercise, for sure your knee will be shaking halfway. And the third way is the best way to go to the best of the 2nd falls.It is through zipline.
After your eyes have been satisfied by staring at the alluring waterfalls, next thing to be satisfied here is your thrill-hungry and adventurous inner-self. Zipline and bungy jumping trampoline are available on this place. And take note, zipline here is the highest zipline in Asia, so far. It was built as high as 180 ft. If you try the this adventure, you have to go through a breathtaking 740 and 420 meters rides. After you have seen the 1st and 2nd falls of course the tendency is to look for the rest of the seven falls. But there's no way you can see them if you don't go the zipline. While up hanging in the air, you can observe all the rest of the falls. One of the most distinctive from above is the Hikong B'lebed or the zigzag falls.
After you've been through the sights and adventures for sure you will be hungry this time. Here are some that you would like to eat inside the area. Tasty and fresh-from-the-tree durians are very much available. And the best viand for your lunch is the freshly grilled tilapia from the lake of this town.